Due to that, Telegram became the top free app in over 46 countries from Germany to Ecuador. In the US and several other countries, Telegram became the no.1 social networking site ahead of Facebook, WhatsApp, Kik and several others more.
Telegram is a messaging app which emphasizes on speed and security, while having simplistic features similar to WhatsApp and it is FREE! Users can even access Telegram on any devices at the same time, your messages will sync seamlessly across any phones numbers as well as on tablets or computers.
Telegram’s core features allows users to send messages, photos, videos and files of any type( doc, zip, mp3, etc), as well as forming groups for up to 5000 people or channels for broadcasting to limitless audiences. Users can even search their phone contact by finding people by their usernames.
Telegram’s feature is basically a combination of SMS and email and can handle all the user’s personal or business messaging needs.